Sunday, December 05, 2004

When people don't get it..

The comment thread over here at Political Animal seems to be saying how games are rotting minds, basically.

How easy is it to get on your high horse, and put down what someone else is doing. Playing a game is a whole lot more intellectually stimulating than well..just about anything else. That blank stare you see? That's not blank. That's concentration. What happens afterwards? Thinking is hard work. When you're doing it hard, it makes you tired. Yeah, your common everyday run of the mill thinking, you can do that forever. But most of these people have never felt the rush of falling into something.

Then on the other side, you compare the latest best-seller novel..well..I'd compare it with the great stories told in say..Final Fantasy, or even something immersive such as Half-Life. Gaming is here, and it's going to stay.

Get used to it.


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