Review:Resident Evil 4
Ok, I'm going to start to keep this updated a little bit more..the last month was pretty hectic. First thing right off the bat. My reviews come down to two things. Gameplay and cool stuff. Graphics and sound fit into the cool stuff catagory. And the Gameplay part is going to be VERY detailed. Not like what you're used to.
Ok, here we go.
Resident Evil 4. Capcom. One of the Capcom 5 announced forever ago. Just missed the voting for game of the year for 2004...
And that's a shame.
I'm not a big fan of Resident Evil. The controls are awful, and it tends to be more about shock factor than being what I consider "survival horror"..think Dawn of the Dead. Mowing down tons of zombies..but they still keep on coming. But this game is wow.
The gameplay is tight, but challenging. View is over the right shoulder of the character, Leon. Hold down the Right button, and the view zooms in, and a laser sight shows up showing where you can shoot by pushing A. B reloads in this view. You can't really run in this view, which does kind of suck, but oh well. It's fine. You can outrace pretty much any enemy. Besides, it's about taking them down before they get to you.
Full location damage system. Shoot a guy in the knee and he goes down. Then depending on the weapon, a couple of shots to the head will take them out. The guy disappears, and usually leaves some ammo or money (for upgrading and buying weapons). So it's much about NOT having to run, as being able to stop them before they get to you. Some enemies throw axes and the like which you can deflect with a well timed (it seems to auto-aim for this) shot. Dymanite throwers..well..take out their legs and they can't throw. Boom.
You don't want to get overwhelmed, so choosing your ground is everything. By hopping over fences, or through windows (including 2nd story windows!!!) you can get a location edge, as the zombie/alien people whatever will try to climb through the window after you. Kick down ladders, whatever. It's very interactive.
Lots of ammo around. NOT so much health, so you have to be a little careful. 3 hits and you're dead generally speaking, although it depends on how badly you're hurt.
And did I meantion traps? Oh no. Nasty traps. Triplines that trigger explosives. Even worse, beartraps. Yes, beartraps. And that's not nice. A shot triggers the traps, rendering them harmless, but it keeps you on edge. Not to mention the occassional Kill Bill style snake trap.
Gameplay is stiff, think Metroid Prime, but it still works. It feels different but that's a good thing in this case. Shooting uses a lasersight that's neat but kinda challenging to use.
Cool stuff:Blowing off heads is always cool. Vine-like things coming out of the spine AFTER you do this is even cooler. Not so cool when they get too close and the scyth-like arm of the plant tries to come after you. I've actually had an old-school RE style instant death, 2 chainsaw guy were after me, one got me from behind....OFF WITH THE HEAD. With blood pooling. There's blood everywhere. Wonderful ragdoll physics. Shoot a guy in the chest and he'll go back a few steps. Taking out an ankle is great. And if you shotgun a guy right close, he'll fly back into other baddies, knocking them all down/back.
Music is great, sets the tone right. Nice spanish guitars in the intro. The characters are good, and the story is very interesting. Even the girl you're supposed to rescue..well...very good AI, she follows right along.
Great set scenes. The bosses are hard but interesting, and a siege of a farmhouse is just beyond fun.
RE4 is great. It's the best RE yet by far..actually it's the realization of what the series should have been the whole time anyway. It's probably a contender for game of the year.
(Personal Progress through game 2-2 just after the farm house siege)
Ok, here we go.
Resident Evil 4. Capcom. One of the Capcom 5 announced forever ago. Just missed the voting for game of the year for 2004...
And that's a shame.
I'm not a big fan of Resident Evil. The controls are awful, and it tends to be more about shock factor than being what I consider "survival horror"..think Dawn of the Dead. Mowing down tons of zombies..but they still keep on coming. But this game is wow.
The gameplay is tight, but challenging. View is over the right shoulder of the character, Leon. Hold down the Right button, and the view zooms in, and a laser sight shows up showing where you can shoot by pushing A. B reloads in this view. You can't really run in this view, which does kind of suck, but oh well. It's fine. You can outrace pretty much any enemy. Besides, it's about taking them down before they get to you.
Full location damage system. Shoot a guy in the knee and he goes down. Then depending on the weapon, a couple of shots to the head will take them out. The guy disappears, and usually leaves some ammo or money (for upgrading and buying weapons). So it's much about NOT having to run, as being able to stop them before they get to you. Some enemies throw axes and the like which you can deflect with a well timed (it seems to auto-aim for this) shot. Dymanite throwers..well..take out their legs and they can't throw. Boom.
You don't want to get overwhelmed, so choosing your ground is everything. By hopping over fences, or through windows (including 2nd story windows!!!) you can get a location edge, as the zombie/alien people whatever will try to climb through the window after you. Kick down ladders, whatever. It's very interactive.
Lots of ammo around. NOT so much health, so you have to be a little careful. 3 hits and you're dead generally speaking, although it depends on how badly you're hurt.
And did I meantion traps? Oh no. Nasty traps. Triplines that trigger explosives. Even worse, beartraps. Yes, beartraps. And that's not nice. A shot triggers the traps, rendering them harmless, but it keeps you on edge. Not to mention the occassional Kill Bill style snake trap.
Gameplay is stiff, think Metroid Prime, but it still works. It feels different but that's a good thing in this case. Shooting uses a lasersight that's neat but kinda challenging to use.
Cool stuff:Blowing off heads is always cool. Vine-like things coming out of the spine AFTER you do this is even cooler. Not so cool when they get too close and the scyth-like arm of the plant tries to come after you. I've actually had an old-school RE style instant death, 2 chainsaw guy were after me, one got me from behind....OFF WITH THE HEAD. With blood pooling. There's blood everywhere. Wonderful ragdoll physics. Shoot a guy in the chest and he'll go back a few steps. Taking out an ankle is great. And if you shotgun a guy right close, he'll fly back into other baddies, knocking them all down/back.
Music is great, sets the tone right. Nice spanish guitars in the intro. The characters are good, and the story is very interesting. Even the girl you're supposed to rescue..well...very good AI, she follows right along.
Great set scenes. The bosses are hard but interesting, and a siege of a farmhouse is just beyond fun.
RE4 is great. It's the best RE yet by far..actually it's the realization of what the series should have been the whole time anyway. It's probably a contender for game of the year.
(Personal Progress through game 2-2 just after the farm house siege)
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